Starr was a horse thief and train robber. Джаррет был грабителем банков и поездов.
A large number of horse thieves were from Yelizarovo and Kostino. Значительное число конокрадов было родом из Елизарово и Костино.
Frank Dalton was killed when he was tracking a horse thief in the Oklahoma Territory. Фрэнк Далтон был убит, когда выслеживал конокрадов в Оклахоме.
When a horse thief in America is hanged or a soldier who has escaped military service is executed, they are not registering a grievance in a judicial sense, but rather they are putting people in their places and forcing them to submit to rules and regulations. They are terrorising people. Когда убивают конокрада в Америке или солдата, что дезертировал, то на это не регистрируют как на убийство в судебном смысле.